The Tides Rise for Non-Traditional Students

The Tides Rise for Non-Traditional StudentsMuch like a tsunami, higher education is undergoing a series of waves caused by a large and sudden displacement of students and faculty. An invisible virus permeated the globe, transforming “how and where” we pursue our education.

Unfortunately, the pandemic became the experiment many colleges and universities refer to as the perfect storm for the existing higher education ecosystem. This shift in tides unearthed the complexities of the 21st-century educational model. It revealed how the management of resources (human, economic, etc.), digital wisdom, social responsibility, and knowledge transfer relevancy translate as currency.

Colleges and universities seeking the bridge between online and in-person hybrid formats, blended learning, accelerated programs, part-time options, and more this past year; the pyridoxal shift will ultimately be how to attract talented and motivated non-traditional students, including Student Veterans, to one’s campus.

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Enrollment of traditional high school seniors is decreasing, and so are registrations across the country. Institutions that want to compete will need to produce “marketable” future employees who adapt to these trends. Each year, roughly 200,000 Servicemembers transition primarily from active duty. They will likely find themselves enrolled and attending a college/university within seven months. This consistent turnover means that Veterans will be seeking value-add degrees and services, scholarships, and flexible course options to start the next chapter of their lives.

Now is the time to act. Universities and colleges seek a guide on Student Veterans’ potential to their campuses. As a whole, Student Veterans have a 72% success rate in higher education and an average GPA of .40 higher than their civilian peers. It’s no wonder they’re starting to acknowledge and adapt to the profile of Student Veterans. At a glance, here is a basic overlook of Student Veterans (and here’s a specific view of women Veterans):

Student Veterans tend to:

  • Be married
  • Be older
  • Be a first-generation student.
  • Have a disability
  • Work full or part-time
  • Use their GI Bill or other benefits (National Guard Scholarship, Federal Tuition Assistance, CH1606, CH31, or earned scholarships)
  • Earn degrees in business, health professions, and STEM fields.


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